Monday, July 7, 2008

'I don't use shampoo' Part 2.

I tried the Green shampoo. Really interesting. Honestly, I don't think my hair's ever been cleaner than it was after I used the baking soda wash and vinegar rinse. It was really wierd scrubbing in the baking soda wash. I could feel it like... repelling the oils (my hair was pretty dirty) off my hair and onto my fingers and it just felt strange trying to rub it into my hair. The vinegar rinse was kind of nice though. It smelled more apple-y than vinegar-y. I do have the type of hair that does require conditioner (it knots horribly easy, I hate it) so, that's when the thought of 'I don't think I should switch to washing my hair with only this' came into my head but, it did do an amazing job of cleaning my hair. I was pleasantly supprised. I told my mom about it and today, she asked me to write down the 'recipe' (as she put it) for her. My mom's chronically dirty (much like my daughter..... hmmm..... I wonder if there's a connection lol) and I haven't talked to her again tonight. She goes to bed early and by the time we got back home, she would have already been asleep. I'll find out tomorrow though.

So, long story short (I already went through the long part....) I really would recommend this to anyone. The day I washed it, my hair tangled horribly quick (sadly normal). Day after, my hair was actually relatively nice. A good bit smoother and nowhere near as fuzzy or knotted. Day after that, I went back to my usual Pantene Always Smooth because my hair desperately needs the conditioner so it doesn't knot. I will be using it again though. Just not all the time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

'I don't use shampoo'

Ok, I do but maybe not for much longer. In my search for all things Green, I found an article (is it 'al' or 'le'? I never remember) on making your own deoderant on this blog. Home-made deoderant. That's awsome! As I read further, I found out that she doesn't use shampoo either. Rather a mix of water and baking soda then a mix of water and apple cider vinegar as a rinse! This, I knew I had to try. I love apple cider vinegar! I use it on just about everything I can, including the some of the Rice-A-Ronis lol. My husband thinks I'm gross. So, after reading this, I quickly searched my apartment for something... anything... to put these mixes in. For some reason, the last place I looked was the bathroom, under the sink. There, I found two old Herbal Essences bottles. They smelled soooo good but they have had to been down there for at least a year so I figured they had 'expired' (can shampoo and conditioner expire?). I dumped the 2/3 full bottles down the kitchen sink and repeatedly rinsed them out untill they were clean. I felt bad for wasting but, it smelled sooooo good (citrus-y) and I was doing it for something natural and something I could make myself. Now, the bottles have natural, horribly easy to mix stuff in them and I'll be trying them in a few hours. I need to shower anyway. I did a good bit of walking yesterday. In the heat, which I really don't mind as long as there's a breeze.
Hello! I've started this blog to help raise the awarness of being Green. There are soo many things that anyone can do to help reverse or at least to help stop the damage that's been done to the environment. Things range from the simplicity of just sorting the recyclable things out of your garbage to building an entire Green home. It doesn't have to cost a lot to do your part. Eventually, hopefully, this blog will be associated with a website with even more information, links to other resources, even Green craft ideas and how-to's. If you have any ideas on something I should cover or a craft that you'd like me to find out how to do or whatever else, feel free to leave a comment or email me.